Having difficulties submitting your recommendation? Make sure you are following this checklist below for the best experience:
1. Complete all required fields.
2. Type your full name in the signature line.
3. Complete the required attachment upload section found on the second page.
4. Click Save and Review to verify that all required fields have been completed.
5. Click Submit your Recommendation.
If you are still experiencing difficulties, view these tips for additional help:
The applicant and recommender cannot use the same computer.
- Try using a different internet browser.
- The file name of the uploaded attachment cannot contain special characters (*&^%$#-,.!?).
- Attachments should be in PDF (preferred) or Word format.
- If using a computer that is behind a firewall or other security protocol (employer provided), it may prevent access to the form.
If none of the above fixes the issue, please contact the West Virginia University Office of Graduate Admissions via email at